Report From Shaare Tzedek
Yitzchak Meir went to Shaare Tzedek hospital for EEG and CT scans. Doctors are not pleased with the results. We attempted to check him in, but balked when we heard that insurance would not cover the admission.
Yitzchak Meir went to Shaare Tzedek hospital for EEG and CT scans. Doctors are not pleased with the results. We attempted to check him in, but balked when we heard that insurance would not cover the admission.
Yitzchak Meir has slipped back into a coma.
Yitzchak Meir is still breathing on his own, but with extra oxygen. The doctors still call his condition a “coma”, but we were quite amazed by his behaviour today. Ella was able to pick up and cuddle Yitzchak Meir for the first time, ever. She also gave him a bath. Amazingly, he opened up his…
On Shabbos, I commemorated the first anniversary of the death of my son Yitzchak Meir ben Lev Halevi. On Friday night I went to shul early – I had already davened mincha at 12:30pm, but wanted to be there when the 2nd mincha started (at 20 minutes before sunset) so that I could talk to…
Dear Ami Magazine Thank you for your insightful article (Issue #540) about Pinny Kellner and his holy campaign to save the life of Alta Fixsler. The situation of this poor girl saddened me to no extent, as I also had a son in a similar situation. However, as I was living in Israel, the hospital…
We saw Yitzchak Meir at Shaare Tzedek Hospital today. It was very sad to see such a little baby hooked up to all these wires. His breathing was erratic, and his colour was very pale. I was reminded of the time I went with my father to see his mother in the Intensive Care of…
I buried my son Yitzchak Meir today. It is almost 2 in the morning now. I have had a full day, starting when I woke up around 5:30 for davening. I am also writing this from the floor, as I am in mourning now, and can’t sit on a chair. I got the kids out…
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You know, my Dad is up there in years and has not followed Torah for many years. Since he was a child I iagmine. I’m well aware that he doesn’t have much time left in this life, you mean to tell me that if he was to go tomorrow without following the mitzvot he still has a place? Also my converted Mom?(No salvation needed) and all we have to do is encourage Jews to follow all the mitzvot for the messiah to come? Does this include that the men and women should not be marrying outside of Israel?(Non-Jews) And also the new temple will have to be built for the sacrifices.
I think your question should be posted to, where an experienced Rabbi will be able to answer your questions with an accurate answer.