No Change
No change since October 12.
No change since October 12.
Thanks for your continued interest. Yitzchak Meir has been transferred from the Intensive Care to the standard New Baby Ward. Even though the neurologists said that he would never take a bottle, he began feeding from one on Thursday. He is back on a feeding tube, though, because it takes about 45 minutes to properly…
Yitzchak Meir has been out of Lichtenstaeder Hospital for a few weeks. He has been staying with a family in Neve Yaakov, and we are looking to put him in an institution. He interviewed for Alyn yesterday, but they felt that their services were not appropriate for him. They recommended Aleh instead, and we will…
Yitzchak Meir went to Shaare Tzedek hospital for EEG and CT scans. Doctors are not pleased with the results. We attempted to check him in, but balked when we heard that insurance would not cover the admission.
We saw Yitzchak Meir at Shaare Tzedek Hospital today. It was very sad to see such a little baby hooked up to all these wires. His breathing was erratic, and his colour was very pale. I was reminded of the time I went with my father to see his mother in the Intensive Care of…
Funeral of Yitzchak Meir Seltzer from Lev Seltzer on Vimeo.
I got up from shiva this morning.