Devar Torah Shavuos 5781
Tonight is Shavuos, which lasts for 25 hours in Israel and 49 hours (2 days) outside of Israel.
One Shavuos the Jewish people accepted the Torah. But before G-d offered the Torah to the Jews, he went to other nations and offered it to them.
G-d first offered it to the descendants of Esav. When he offered them the Torah, they asked, “What’s in it?” G-d responded, “It says ‘thou shalt not murder’.” The nation of Esav responded, “How can we accept the Torah? We are by nature murderers and could never uphold such a law!”
G-d did the same with all the other nations.
When he came to the Jewish nation and offered them the Torah, they immediately accepted it: We will do it, and then we will hear (what the laws are)”.
Tonight we have the opportunity to accept the Torah all over again. In order to show our love for the Torah, many Jews will stay up all night learning Torah.
In fact, I am going to try to do this, so I am going to take a nap right now so that hopefully I will be prepared.
Wishing everyone a Chag Shavuos Somayach!