Letter to Ami Magazine – “Bird Brains”

Letter to Ami Magazine – “Bird Brains”

The letter below appeared in issue #549 of Ami Magazine: To the Editor: In issue #548, Rabbi Avi Shafran introduces readers to the group called “Birds Aren’t Real”, which he admits is a satire of “conspiracy theory” groups. He then goes on to lump all “conspiracy theory” groups with BAR – except for “real” sinister…

Lev And Leah Logo

Wedding Invitation

בס”ד With Gratitude to Hashem Lev and Leah invite you to share in our wedding celebration אור ל כ״ו אדר ב׳ תשע״א (Thurs. 31-Mar-11) at Beis Knesses Beis Tefillah Yona Abraham Nachal Refaim Street corner Nachal Luz Street Ramat Beit Shemesh Alef, Israel Kabbalas Panim 17:45 Chupah promptly at 18:30 (After Nightfall) Simchas Chasan v’kallah…

Hashem’s Helping Hand Halts Harm on a Honduran Highway.

Hashem’s Helping Hand Halts Harm on a Honduran Highway.

Spring break 1985, and I found myself visiting the Fiszman family in San Pedro Sula, near the northern coast of Honduras, in Central America. I had tried to vacation at my parents’ 2nd home in Boca Raton, but it wasn’t available.  I had even tried at my Grandfather’s home in Boynton Beach, but that didn’t…